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Esmail (2017) noted in the Canadian study that 79% of Canadians had used complementary or alternative therapy at some point in their lives. In 2016, 27% used yoga and 3 other relaxation techniques. The researcher noted that yoga was used most often in 2016.This demonstrates that individuals are seeking help from alternative sources. Hypnosis is an alternative approach to helping individuals address certain problems that they want to overcome. Rodalfa and Schaffer (2021) noted that Eriksonian hypnotherapy focused on addressing the specific needs of the individual patients. The interventions that were used were customized for the patient’s needs as well as their behaviors. The practice of Eriksonian hypnosis includes the concept that the unconscious can assist the individual in making changes. The researchers noted that the concept is not accepted by all practitioners as the existence of the unconscious was not accepted by many. Eriksonian hypnotherapy views the patient in a non-pathological way. The approach is focused on exploring and finding solutions to the problems that confront the individual patient as well as focusing on the strengths and resources of the person. The reason that Eriksonian hypnotherapy can be effective has to do with the way that the practitioner handles the individual patient and understanding the needs of them. The researcher noted that Milton Erickson himself demonstrated an ability to be able to understand what my patient was going through and how they reacted to their individual experiences. Interventions were developed based upon the needs and also the strengths and abilities of the patient and their willingness to change. One of the reasons why Eriksonian hypnotherapy is also effective for practitioners has to do with the way they expand their capacity to show and use interpersonal skills and to also manage communication they can be challenging.   


  Rodolfa, E., & Schaffer, J. B. (2021). Can ericksonian therapy become mainstream? Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 28(3), 293–295.  

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