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Someone recently asked me how they could handle the feeling of worry for others in light of the conflicts in the world. My response:

Peace always resides in you and around you. In the outer  world there is always chaos. That is really the challenge for every person in the world to see human suffering and feel powerless to help. But we can all make a difference because humanity has the ability to imagine a better world and to also work towards helping to alleviate  suffering.  The  capacity  to establish a more peaceful world can be realized individually as well as collectively. We cannot  really solve anything with worry, and it only leads us deeper and deeper into distress. It's quite immobilizing. Sometimes it means that we need to have better expectations. Some situations may look hopeless but they only seem that way. Hope is  always active and you can activate it within yourself. And when you do, you can share it with others, and it will be  such a marvelous gift and a resource to better the world.

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